Your Telecom Marketing Plan and Budget Template

We’ve created a free download as our gift to you – an all-inclusive telecom marketing plan development template that contains a lot of our secret sauce and methodology. It will help make this process a lot less icky – and dare I say – fun!

What's Included in Your Free Download?

Goal Tracker

Competitive Analysis Comparison Chart

SWOT Analysis Outline

Buyer Persona Outline

Buyer's Journey Tracker

Marketing Strategy & Budget Worksheet

Social Media Planner

Social Media Planner

Email Campaign Planner

SEO Planner

Why are we giving away this valuable info?

At Mojo Marketing, we're committed to helping all the telecom agents, VARs, MSPs or one-person marketing departments out there who just need help organizing and planning. So many of our clients' marketing plans can use a little TLC. Make sure you're thinking ahead, so you can stay one step ahead of the competition!

Telecom Marketing Planning Doesn’t Have to Be Hard!


This process can seem overwhelming, but this telecom marketing plan development template will help you organize your thoughts and create a simple yet powerful plan. 

Doing a little extra planning work now can save you hundreds or – even thousands! – in the next year, since bad planning leads to bad spending.